The CIP Society Surpasses the 10,000 Member Mark!

January 29, 2002 Toronto ON — The Chartered Insurance Professionals’ (CIP) Society is
pleased to announce today that it has surpassed the 10,000 member milestone with an
official total of 10,212 members. John Delaney BBA, CIP, National Chair for the CIP
, comments, “We are thrilled by how enthusiastically members and the
industry have embraced this progressive and important means of providing for the
industry’s professionals.” Peter Hohman, M.B.A., B. Sc., FCIP, C.A.E.,
President and CEO of The Insurance Institute of Canada (IIC)
, notes, “I
am delighted that our membership has crossed this significant milestone and most pleased
at how quickly the CIP Society membership has grown across Canada.”

The CIP Society was launched in 1998, and
is an organization of qualified insurance professionals who possess the Chartered
Insurance Professional and/or the Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional designations.
The Society is committed to providing leadership, educational and other services to
members. It also promotes personal and organizational professionalism and recognition of
the CIP and Fellow Chartered Insurance Professional (FCIP) designations, both inside and
outside the industry, as the premier designations in property/casualty insurance.

CIP Society members subscribe to the
philosophy of lifelong learning, are committed to maintaining their skills and knowledge,
adhere to the IIC’s Code of Ethics, and volunteer for the benefit of the
property/casualty insurance industry, the CIP Society and Local Institutes and Chapters.

To find out more about the CIP Society and
the IIC, go to