30,000 InSystems Calligo User Licenses Purchased by World’s Largest Insurer
Toronto, ON, January 14, 2002 – InSystems, a leading provider of e-business
solutions for financial services organizations, announces that AXA France, the largest
insurance company in the world, has selected InSystems Calligo as its strategic document
automation platform. AXA France will transform multiple legacy systems, many acquired
through recent mergers and acquisitions, to an InSystems Calligo platform, standardizing
its high volume document production environment.
Among the many benefits of the InSystems Calligo solution are efficiencies that will
enable AXA France customer service people to become more responsive, enabling them to more
effectively capture and manage customer data and retain the loyalty of a rapidly
increasing customer base in a Web environment. InSystems Calligo document automation
solution will also optimize and improve communications within AXA France, including
brokers and personnel from newly acquired companies.
Using InSystems Calligo will allow AXA France to:
Scale to an anticipated 30,000 users
Enable authorized users to create, track and modify edits to generated documents,
including correspondence, policies and claims, in an interactive, controlled environment -
Allow employees and agents to create correspondence using a web browser interface
Generate error-free, personalized documents
Deliver high volumes of documents in traditional print-and-mail or unattended batch
generation and print
“InSystems Calligo corresponds to our needs for a flexible, enterprise scalable
web-based document automation solution capable of handling high volume,” said Pascal
Buffard Executive Vice President & CIO, AXA France. “Using InSystems Calligo, we
also have a solution that will allow us to improve relationships with customers and brokers.”
“We are delighted to have been selected by AXA France for this mission-critical
contract,” said Ross Orrett, President of InSystems. “Using InSystems Calligo
and InSystems Calligo E-Delivery they will have the benefit of an enterprise systems that
delivers the ability to handle extremely high volumes of correspondence, anticipated to
reach 500,000 pieces per day.”
InSystems Calligo was sold to AXA through InSystems InSymmetry Alliance Partner, IMDS.
Says Patrick Gautschi, President of IMDS “We are constantly looking for web-based
solutions from proven technology solution vendors with insurance domain expertise to
address the requirements of our customers. We recognized that InSystems Calligo
corresponds to the needs of our customers for a web-based, flexible and scalable document
automation solution capable of handling high volume. With InSystems Calligo in our
portfolio, we have an unbeatable advantage.”
About InSystems
Only by using InSystems e-business software can financial services organizations
deliver web-based personalized sales, fulfillment, and service capabilities across all
of their relationships, boosting efficiency, decreasing costs, improving service and increasing revenues.
Founded in 1989 and based in Toronto, Canada, InSystems
www.insystems.com has more than 350
insurance customers in 24 countries, including over 50 of the largest insurance groups in
North America and over 55,000 life insurance agents and agencies.